Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas List

1.  Wish for a White Christmas.  Get wish, over and over and over again.  Watch husband shovel copious amounts of snow.  Shovel some snow yourself.  Send kids with cabin fever outside.  CHECK.

2.  Decorate tree.  Decorate it some more.  Decorate while drinking.  CHECK.

3.  Knit matching Christmas sweaters for the kids.  Listen to husband talk about how dorky matching Christmas sweaters are.  Keep mouth shut so as to avoid having to shovel again.  CHECK.

4.  Watch kids watch non-stop Christmas shows.  CHECK.

5.  Enlist baking elves, some of them pantless elves, to assist with Christmas Eve meal preparations.  CHECK.  

6.  Become totally desperate to end all fighting.  Have elf, Terra, send Maguire and Gannon threatening note about not fighting anymore.  CHECK.

We are officially ready for the Christmas festivities.  Bring it on.  

Merry Christmas!! To those of you who are far away, we miss you.  You are not far from our thoughts and hearts.


Momma T. and the Mighty Murphys


  1. Love it Tiernee! One of my co-workers utilizes the fact that Santa is in our lobby every day for three weeks prior to Christmas to take pictures of him daily and have us pen little notes to her daughter and remind her of things like not calling her Mom old and being nice. p.s. I think the sweaters are awesome!

  2. Thanks!! I was desperate! Seriously, I thought they'd kill each other.



About Me

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I'm a 36-year-old mother of three (one girl and two boys), lover of fashion, chocolate, and red wine, ex-lawyer about to become a lawyer again to fund the fashion, chocolate and red wine habit. I revere the sisterhood of moms.