Friday, January 8, 2010

Hands off, ladies, he's mine ... for now.

My Gan is going to make someone a fabulous mate someday.

1.  He cleans.  He really likes to clean.  He asked me today, with all the enthusiasm of a 3 1/2 year old, "Mom.  Can we put that blue stuff in the toilet and swirl it with that cool brush?!?  That'd be awesome!" He also does floors.

2.  He is chivalrous.  A few months back, Ryan said I was talking "crazy talk" at dinner one night.  Gan turned to me and said, "Mom.  Do you want me to kick Dad's butt for saying crazy to you?"  I love having my honor and my sanity defended.

3.  He is working on having huge superhero muscles.

4.  He is good with babies.  Although he's never done it himself, he could talk someone through a diaper change.

5.  He is adventurous and a bit wild.  Life with him will never be dull.

But for the next twenty years or so, ladies, eat your hearts out.  He's all mine.

Momma T.


  1. Hey, I thought he was saving himself for Esther?

  2. He TOTALLY is. But he just wants others to know that only a super-fabulous woman like Esther could land a man like him!

    love you.



About Me

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I'm a 36-year-old mother of three (one girl and two boys), lover of fashion, chocolate, and red wine, ex-lawyer about to become a lawyer again to fund the fashion, chocolate and red wine habit. I revere the sisterhood of moms.