Sunday, January 3, 2010


I basically have one big resolution this year - I want to be more present for my kids and my husband and my self, but mostly for my kids. We are just at the early stages of being swept away into basketball practice, piano lessons, homework. playdates, birthday parties, etc., etc., etc. But I can already feel time slipping away with a rapidity that terrifies me. To combat the terror, I've decided to be more here - to care less about laundry and more about this...

I quit my job in large part so I would be less distracted when I was with my kids. But then the holidays came and I got distracted - - - - really, really distracted. And then I got lazy - - they watched too much tv and we read too few books - - I yelled when I should have explained - - and I didn't hear them when I should have been listening carefully.

I love you my Mighty, Mighty Murphys. For 2010, I promise to be better.

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About Me

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I'm a 36-year-old mother of three (one girl and two boys), lover of fashion, chocolate, and red wine, ex-lawyer about to become a lawyer again to fund the fashion, chocolate and red wine habit. I revere the sisterhood of moms.